Need more information? These questions may help you.
Click to expand each set of questions.
What is the retail electricity supplier’s Maryland PSC license number?
What is the exact price per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for electricity?
What does the price include? Are there any fees or taxes that are not included in this price?
What is the total price for 700 kWh of electricity usage? Use the amount of kWh from your recent utility bill to make this pricing relevant to you as you calculate the cost. For example, compare the utility supply price multiplied by kWh used to the retail supplier price multiplied by kWh used.
Is the offer for a fixed rate or a variable rate or a combination? If it is for a fixed rate how long does it stay fixed? If it is variable, does the rate depend upon the time of day, the season, or the amount of usage? Are there any other charges that could change during the term of the agreement?
How and when will I receive a complete copy of the terms and conditions?
What is the length of the agreement and what happens when it is over?
Can the price change during the term of the agreement? If so, how and when can it be changed and will I be notified of any changes?
Can I cancel the agreement at any time?
Under what conditions can the retail electricity supplier cancel the contract?
What are the terms for canceling the agreement and are there early termination fees?
What happens if I move outside my current service territory during the contract term?
What do I do if I have a dispute with the retail electricity supplier over the price or terms of the contract? Who do I contact?
Are there restrictions on the amount of electricity I can use? If so, what are they and when will they apply?
If I am currently with a retail electricity supplier, are there any fees that will apply if I switch?
Is there a monthly minimum usage?
Is there a maximum or penalty for higher-than-average use?
Is there more than one rate plan to choose from? Are there any other terms in the agreement?
Will there be a credit check?
Does the credit check cost me any money?
What other information must I provide to enroll?
Will I be asked for a deposit? If so, how much?
What steps must I take if I want to change retail electricity suppliers or return to my current retail electricity supplier?
When will my service start?
When will I be billed?
Does the retail electricity supplier bill me directly or does the utility send a combined bill for both supply and delivery charges?
What if I miss a payment? What retail electricity supplier collection activity will occur and when?
Am I able to participate in different billing plans, such as budget billing or deferred-payment arrangements?
Will I pay a monthly service charge if I use more or less electricity than anticipated in a billing plan?
What happens if I am on budget billing now? Will my credit transfer?
Do you accept bill payments online or by phone? Is there a charge for paying by phone?
Is there a payment incentive for signing up?
Will notices (disconnection, tree-trimming, claims, etc.) continue to be sent to me if the bill is not provided by the utility?
What are your customer-service hours and contact phone numbers?